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北大MBA“少年趁勇 注定闪耀” Stay Bold Stay Unique

日期:2021-01-07 21:11:21



This is the first photograph that the Guanghua GMBA Class of 2020 took together. Looking back, it was a memorable first encounter. Students gather together during unprecedented times to meet in Beijing, and friends from around the world who were unable to attend in person attended online.

Due to COVID-19, classes, group assignments, projects, and other activities were compelled to be across cultures and time zones. Despite such challenges faced during our first semester, all 74 students have fostered greater class cohesion, and worked hand in hand to propel each other forward. Behind this photograph lie precious stories and friendships that will be treasured.

First Gathering of GSM Global MBA Class of 2020

Embraced Uncertainty Together
To Kick Off Our Journey
No matter who you are,
No matter where you are from,
No matter what color your eyes are
No matter how you used to be
No matter...
You‘ve got me, You've got us
We are bound to be bold
You‘ve got me, You've got us
We are bound to be unique
We are bound to be undefinable
We are bound to be unbreakable
We are bound to light up the sky
We are bound for each other..

班歌 《You've got us》MV
MV of Class Song 《You've got us》
班歌 《You've got us》是一个无比惊艳的作品。不仅因为它具有超高的作词、作曲、编曲完成度,更重要是,班歌的核心创作成员操思嘉、Clifford Champion、张真樵三位同学是在彼此完全陌生、有着12小时时差的艰难情况下进行沟通协作。在极大的未知中,他们克服各种困难,进行了N次视频会议,借助着各种实时翻译软件和“手语”的方式沟通音乐专业术语、不断磨合和雕琢音乐细节,完美完成了班歌的创作和呈现。

During the first class meet-up, the Guanghua GMBA Class of 2020 composed a song titled “You’ve got us”. Not only did the song have meaningful lyrics, but the entire composition was extremely professionally made. More importantly, the key contributors to the song (Sijia, Clifford, Tim) collaborated together for the very first time across a 12 hour time difference. Despite these challenges, they proved their ability to overcome them and utilized all sorts of tools to communicate effectively with one another. After much hard work, they managed to bring our class song to fruition.

This song may seem to be more simple than it really is. It led to a sense of yearning and anticipation of our collective MBA life in each and every one of us.

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Singer: Wang Qi, Cao Sijia
作词:操思嘉  作曲:Clifford Champion (左)
编曲、乐器:张真樵(右), Clifford Champion,操思嘉
Lyricist: Cao Sijia; Composer:Clifford Champion
Arranger: Tim Zhang, Clifford Champion, Cao Sijia

班歌幕后的故事 Behind the Scene
1. 流畅的英文作词出自中国同学操思嘉之手,由此可见我们班中国同学的英文语言文化积淀深厚。

2. 兼具流行和爵士风格的作曲,来自美国的Clifford Champion同学,在歌词基础上,他用钢琴即兴作曲,一气呵成。

3. 萨克斯演奏者张真樵同学,作为班歌创作团队发言人,面对班级文化项目组的进度“追杀”,说的最多的话是“我们真的不知道什么时候班歌才能成型。”

4. 在一次班级聚会中,王琦同学一开嗓就被“盯上”了,就此成为了班歌的男主唱。他可甜可盐、可高可低的声线,正是班歌演唱者的绝佳选择。

5. 远在新加坡,主动包揽了班歌MV制作任务的Chi-ho Yeung同学,提前制作好了MV结构模板,视频音频素材交给他18小时后,他就完成了MV的制作!

1. The English lyrics to the song were penned by our Chinese student Sijia! It appears that many of our Chinese classmates have solid English abilities.

2. The song was previously meant to be classical, but later was converted into a jazz piece by Clifford from the USA. With the lyrics provided by Sijia, Clifford spontaneously constructed the tune with a jazzy flair.

3. Our saxophonist Tim, as a representative of the team, was under immense pressure by the Class Cultural Committee and repeatedly mentioned that “I really don’t know when the class song can be finalized.”

4. In selecting our male vocalist, the selected vocalist was chosen at once when he auditioned for the role. His great vocals have proven to be the best choice for our male lead vocalist.

5. In Singapore, Jeremy took it upon himself to edit our MV, and finished it ahead of time. Under a time crunch, he finished it within 18 hours, and managed to submit it in the nick of time.

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Keep Learning, Keep Moving Forward

A few months ago, the class began the learning journey at Guanghua. Everyone came with different visions and a restless heart – be it planning for a career switch, starting a new business venture, or broadening resources. Through the enlightening classes, we found our paths or answers. At Guanghua, we had professors who impart knowledge and resolve our doubts and surrounded by peers who are optimistic and open-minded.

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Learning Online & Offline


One of the most memorable lecture of the semester was given by Professor Hui Wang during the last lecture of the Managerial Economics course. Professor Hui Wang’s speech had always been humorous and sharp, but the closing remarks of our last lecture shifted from his usual style. It was an extremely sincere and profound speech that touched the softest spot of our hearts.

Throughout the whole course, Professor Hui Wang guided us through complex economics theories, mathematical models, and decision-making tools to equip us into becoming a rational business strategist. Yet in the end, the professor reminded us of the importance of embracing our dreams and stay on track of doing what we love, even if it’s not a smooth sailing journey ahead. It brought tears to our eyes as it was a timely and moving advice as in the world of business, “do what you love" was easier said than done. Thankfully, at Guanghua, we have professors who alerted us when we were dazed and motivated when we were hesitant.

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No matter where that love comes from, you better love what you are doing. That’s the start, the assumption, the priority before everything else.— Prof. Hui Wang

Prof. Hui Wang with GMBA
学霸班级的实力 Superpower of Our Class

1. 2019年全国管理类联考考试,光华MBA项目所有考生排名前10中,我们班占有5席,并包揽了状元和榜眼。

2. 我们拥有北京大学、中国人民大学、同济大学、台湾大学、哈佛大学、芝加哥大学、加州大学洛杉矶分校、卡耐基梅隆大学等全球顶级高校毕业的优秀人才。

3. 我们班拥有GMAT 750分超高分获得者、ACCA/CPA持证者、法律资格证书持有者。

4. 我们不仅重视课堂学习,在课堂外我们也互相帮助,提升职场技能:Entrepreneurship Club, Pitch Club, PPT制作,财务分析,Linkedin个人职业品牌塑造...... 每天都在共同进步。

1. In the 2020 Master-level management courses entrance exam, five out of the top 10 high-scorers were students from the Global MBA class, of which they secured the first and second place.
2. The class has top talents who graduated from top universities in the world, such as Peking University, Renmin University of China, Tongji University, National Taiwan University, Harvard University, University of Chicago, UCLA, Carnegie Mellon University, etc.

3. There are GMAT 750 high scorer, ACCA/CPA certificate holders, and legal practice qualification certificate holders in the class.

4. The class not only pay attention to classroom learning, there are also clubs to upgrade career skills such as the Entrepreneurship Club, Pitch Club, presentation slide masterclass, financial analysis class, LinkedIn personal professional branding class and others. The class is actively helping and encouraging each other to improve every day.

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Let's Bond Over CoffeeChat
最能代表我们班的活动,非CoffeeChat莫属。在线上线下同学各占50%的我们班,每一周大家都会和随机分配的小伙伴进行60-90min的深入聊天,话题从自我介绍、为什么选择来光华、未来发展计划,延展到旅行、爱好、性格、电影、恋爱故事...... CoffeeChat不仅是一个难得的可以深入了解班里同学的机会,也激发了大家对于班级活动的灵感,为丰富多彩的班级活动提供了良好的契机和氛围。


CoffeeChat is our signature class activity as 50% of the class were international students who are taking classes online. Each week, the class would be assigned CofeeChat partners randomly for a 60 to 90 minutes deep conversation. The topics ranged from self-introduction, why Guanghua, future career plans to less serious topics such as travel, hobbies, personalities, movies, relationship stories… The CoffeeChat is more than an opportunity to learn more about our fellow classmates, it inspires us to create new initiatives.

The CoffeeChat is not only well-celebrated by our class, but the model was also used for liaison between 20GMBA and our seniors from the 2019IMBA class.
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Online CoffeeChat
平时同学间的交流,很多都是局限在日常生活、课程学习方面,除了走得比较近的少数同学,对于班里大多数同学还停留在比较模糊的阶段。CoffeeChat让我们打开心扉,直接了解彼此的背景和经历,同时也对彼此的性格、喜好等有了更直观的了解。一次CoffeeChat, 可能胜过之前几个月的交流。


— Chi-ho Yeung
Our daily interactions with our classmates are often centered around or daily routine and schoolwork. Other than the select few that we are closest to, our understanding of our classmates is often limited to a rather superficial level. CoffeeChat allows us to pour our hearts out, to learn more about each other's experiences, and better palpate your partner's character and likings. This translates to a deep level of understanding that may dwarf months of interactions. I find that through CoffeeChat, I get to know some classmates even better than some offline classmates whom I see almost every day.

To me, there are two angles to knowing a person. The introvert angle is the formation of mindset and perceptions based on past experience. This, in a sense, can be regarded as the "cause". The extrovert angle is the way one work and collaborate with people around them. This in turn can be considered as the "effect". The Guanghua MBA curriculum is an excellent way to learn about the "effect" component of our classmates. CoffeeChat on the other hand allows us to catalyze the understanding of the "cause", thereby helping me to know each classmate better.
— Chi-ho Yeung
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Offline CoffeeChat
CoffeeChat小彩蛋 Fun Facts of CoffeeChat
1. 99%的CoffeeChat,都没有人在喝咖啡。
2. CoffeeChat随机分配名单的小程序,来自班里同学家属4小时无间断的努力编程而成。
3. 不聊不知道,一聊吓一跳。班级里卧虎藏龙:TED演讲者、10天无食物供给的野外求生者、连续创业者、科技创新社区意见领袖、时尚手作人、拉斯维加斯博彩业资深从业者、乐队成员、金字奖最佳长片剧本获奖者、ONEYOUNGWORLD全球青年峰会大使、剑侠情缘网络版三斗鱼杯全国第三名......宝藏男孩女孩们的故事,还在被持续发掘中。

1. 99% of the CoffeeChat does not involve coffee.
2. The code for the random CoffeeChat list generator was written by a family member of our classmate- it took 4 hours of non-stop coding to produce the code.

3. Hidden talent discovered through the CoffeeChat: TED Talk speaker, 10 days wild survivor without food supplies, serial entrepreneur, innovative tech community key opinion leader, fashion and handcraft enthusiast, experienced Las Vegas gaming industry practitioner, band member, winner of the best movie script awards in the Golden Words Awards of Beijing Film Academy, ONEYOUNGWORLD young leader summit ambassador, the country’s second runner-up in the Swordsman Love 3 Internet version Douyu Cup and many more hidden talents waiting to be uncovered.

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上场了 就无惧
Stay Bold, Stay Unique
● 我们汇聚光华,看见世界,对话世界,改变世界
● 我们敢为不同,连接过去将来,沟通华夏万邦
● 我们保持少年朝气,带着这份独特追寻天地
● 我们注定共同闪耀这天空

Who are we as a class? What is our uniqueness. Half year ago, we created our class culture. The expectations at that time are becoming realities little by little.
● We gather to transcend.
● We dare to be different.
● We strive for success.
● We unite in strength.
We are GUANGHUA 2020 GLOBAL MBA CLASS ! Now we are on the stage, we are fearless!

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A Portrait of Our Class
The past 6 months at Guanghua have been particularly eventful for the Guanghua GMBA Class of 2020. There were a lot of shared memories, such as the orientation marathon, corporate site visits, Peking University top 10 singers, badminton championships, etc. that would remain in the hearts and minds of our class. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Peking University and the Guanghua School of Management for providing us with numerous opportunities and would also like to thank all the professors and teaching assistants, Guanghua staff, alumni and classmates for their help and companionship. In the year 2021, we will keep striving on!

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